The second half of Season 4 has been intense. While we’re still processing everything, we’ve come up with our Top Ten moments from the latter part of the season as a follow-up to our post about our favorite moments from the first half of the season. NOTE: some moments from the final episode have been censored and will be filled in on Monday. For now, you’ll just have to use your imagination…
10. Abraham’s groups is introduced (410)
The epic shot, the perfect casting, and all of it a huge CLIFFHANGER to the episode! Especially for fans of the comic, this moment was one we had been waiting for all throughout Season 4.
9. Daryl burns down his past (412)
It was a metaphor that involved fire, and it was set to some great tunes. What more could you ask for? But seriously, delving deeper into Daryl and Beth was a breath of fresh air for the series, and watching them grow together and then flip off the blaze at the end was perfect.
8. Maggie goes to town with the No Parking sign (413)
We all knew she was a bad ass, but damn.
7. Carol is alive! And so is Baby Judith! (410)
It was like Christmas. For a time. See #2.
6. Exploring the creepy country club (412)
RICH BITCH. The hanging walkers. This sequence had some of the coolest imagery of the season and opened up a new part of the world of The Walking Dead.
5. Maggie & Glenn reunite! (415)
Also, when Glenn takes off running after seeing Maggie’s sign. Also also, when they burn the photo because they’ll never be apart. And then the kiss in front of the headlights!? There were a lot of feels, is what I’m saying.
4. Seeing Terminus for the first time (415)
Something is amiss, but when the group arrives at the end of “Us” it’s not quite clear what. Who is Mary, and why does she have so much BBQ? Is she the woman with the sunflowers from the house? Where is everyone!?
3. [SUPER SECRET 416 MOMENT] (416)
Oh. Man.
2. The Lizzie Incident (414)
Carol has had to go through so much, and now this!? It was shocking, it was controversial, it was heart-wrenching… it was ALMOST the biggest moment of the season!
1. [SUPER SECRET 416 MOMENT] (416)
My guesses: #3) Terminus is full of cannibals. #1) The residents of Terminus have eaten all/part of Beth
Your # 1 is a really good guess even though I hope you are wrong.
I feel like those 2 would be listed as the same thing. I think Rick is going to save carl from being raped.
He better, just like in the comics. I don’t think I could stand anything like that happening to Carl. He’s just so much better in the show
This is the ultimate tease for Sunday.
number 1 and 3 are mysteries dang
Number 1 is going to be one of my favorite scenes from the comics and I can’t wait.
Which is what?
When Rick guts the bandit for attempting to rape Carl.
i agree with you there….im such a spoiler addict that i know almost everything that happens in the episode….including who dies……you didnt hear it from me…and btw, i cant tell you anyway…
This really made me “squirm”
When Rick snaps and guts people because their cannibals and makes them watch knowing their next?
The bridge bit?
Abraham, Rosita and Eugene introduction is number one for me so far .
How do you like show Abe compared to comic Abe?
The first episode I was really skeptical because I thought they maybe not do him justice but by this last episode I realized they seem like they have it pretty spot on but it’s still too early to tell .
I certainly hope he’s there for a while!
They got the look perfect on Abraham. He seems a bit more toned down than his comic counterpart, but I think they will get his character right after we watch him develop.
IMO these 3, Tyrese, Morgan and Michonne are almost mirror images of their comic counterparts. Unbelievable casting! and even tho some characters arent exactly like their character in the comics (Bob, Carol, Hershel, Gov, etc) they are amazing none the less!
I can’t disagree with you there they cast well and everyone I thought they didn’t ended up proving me wrong .
Who’s your favorite character in the comic and have they made it to the show ?
So many good ones! if it came down to it the characters i had the most connection with were Glenn and Tyrese. Im very pleased with the casting on them(although it took a little time and experience for Steve Yuen to better his acting chops, regardless he still has my favorite TWD line from season 1 “Nice moves Clint Eastwood! You the new Sherrif in town? Come to clean up this place?”) and Chad Coleman is just the fucking man IMO. If i had to choose between our living comic characters, probably Eugene and Michonne. what about you?
Tyreese and Abraham are my favorites from the comic and Glenn and Dale are my favorites from the show if I had to choose from who is still living in both it would be Michonne and Rick .
my favorite characters from the show were Merle Morgan the gov and michonne, I also really like the new characters (abe rosita eugene sasha bob tyrese, so hard to choose just 1 favorite :P:P)
I’m still wounded about the loss of Shane, I thought his character had lots of potential interms of going rogue and becoming big rivals, espeically with the whole emotional undercurrant of the baby paternity issue. I was quite shocked when they took him out, I thought his character had brilliant potential as a baddie. Just my tuppence
I quite liked Jesus… I just hope they bring him into the show in season 5. I would really like to see him
I love Jesus! They got to bring him in! Guy’s got mad kickboxing skills!
You have a very cool screen name . I agree he will definitely be a welcomed character I started to think he was a double agent but last issue those doubts went away.
I agree. Bob has become one of my favorite characters in the last few episodes. Carol has had some of the best development of any character on the show.
I love Carol on the show…such a major contrast from the comic! Didn’t care much for Bob at first but now “I’m pulling for him”.
Especially after we saw how bad it was for Bob before he joined the group. We always thought he was a little odd and creepy and now we see why. It really gave his character a lot of depth.
Carol and the Governor are the most different in the show to comics from what you listed. Carol was more like Lizzie in the comics – talking to walkers and thinking they’re her friends – and the Governor was meant to be Mexican! with the hair and the mustache… it was kinda disappointing
Governers death my number 1
that would be mine as well but this is teh top 10 of season 4B (episodes 8-16) 🙁
Terminus is creepy
Omg sunday can not b here fast enough.,..i want rick and carl ti know judith is alive!!
I don’t like those “Oh. Man”s!
I’d have to say so far, my #1 is Lizzie. Saw it coming but still one to remember.
That was shocking I thought someone else was going to do it most of the season.
I kinda figured at least one of the girls was going down but not sure how it would be done.
I agree and that they are putting that only at #2 has me on pins and needles wondering what could be more upsetting or unsettling!
The number 1 might not actually be upsetting or unsettling, it could be the reunion of Rick and Judith 🙂
True that & if so, my #1 would still be Lizzie. With Carol putting her down, confessing to Ty, & Ty forgiving…that was just…awe!
That episode was perfection. Even if you anticipated it, it was still shocking yet emotionally powerful.
How would you rate the seasons according to your favorites?
I thought it would be easy to do that, but it isn’t. I remember telling my husband (who stopped watching it after Season 2) that Season 3 was just amazing. But episodes in Season 4 have become memorable favorites, too. And, yet, I have to remember that Season 1 hooked me initially. So, I think I would have to just wimp out and simply say that The Walking Dead is my favorite show :o)
Why did hubby stop watching after S2?
I’m really not sure. He’s never been the zombie fanatic that I am. He mentioned he didn’t like a few characters (and it turned out those died after he stopped watching lol). He will watch a zombie movie with me to make me happy but he’s missed too much too catch up on the storyline, I think, so unless I purchase the seasons he’s relegated to missing out on some excellent storytelling!
He may like the zombie action part of it better than the people drama.
You’re probably right. He doesn’t know what he’s missing in this case though!
You got that right! Do you read the comic?
Coincidence! I just ordered the first compendium off Amazon this morning. I’m looking forward to comparing the tv versus the comic. I keep reading that the comic is that good, but I am not a comic person normally, so it should be interesting to see how much I enjoy it.
Do you prefer one over the other?
First off, I wasn’t a big zombie fan. I was flipping channels & saw a peek of the show & heard Frank Darabont’s name. There was nothing else on, so I thought I’d give it a shot, with no expectations whatsoever. I was hooked! Haven’t missed but one episode on its air date since & I made up for that episode the following weekend. I hadn’t read a comic since I was probably a single digit age. But by the time I got to the second half of Season 2, I was curious (I had read so much hype about the comic, too). So I started ordering the hardcovers. I’d get one every other week & try to parallel them with the show. It got to where I was so eager to read that I bypassed the show…just couldn’t help it. The comics are just that good!
As to whether I prefer one over the other, I love them both because, although the events run parallel, there are some differences/surprises. It’s the best of both worlds. But to be honest with you, if I had to choose only one to enjoy, I’d have to go with the comic.
I’ll be eager to hear how you like it once you get in. Don’t forget about the novels, also. I’ve read all 4 & they are awesome as well!
I didn’t realize there were novels. Thanks, I would probably enjoy those more than comics, but, yes, I am looking forward to the comic story and the parallels, etc. Your endorsement, not being an original zombie fan, is more important to me than the die-hard fanatic.
Ever since I saw The Night of the Living Dead back in the 60’s, I was freaked out over the whole idea of how do you kill something that is already dead?! And walking so slowly, not to mention creepy, while they’re at it! Even a campy movie like Night of the Comet gets a thumbs up from me lol.
But this takes it to a whole new level. I don’t even consider The Walking Dead as being part of a genre. It stands by itself. I don’t usually gush over much, but it makes me think way beyond the characters and storyline. I have so many questions and I think Kirkman must be a genius! I recently watched that documentary on Epix and he was the only one who didn’t sound silly. He appeared grounded in reality. And I think that’s why Walking Dead is so successful, he makes the whole absurd idea plausible. (And scary)
Thank you for taking the time to chat with me. I will be sure to let you know once I’ve read the first compendium.
I’m a novel reader, too. The novels (Amazon’s got ’em) are “The Rise of The Governor”, “The Road to Woodbury”, “The Fall of The Governor, Part 1”, & “The Fall of The Governor, Part 2”. They are the POV of The Governor & his side of the fence. If I were you, I’d read that Compendium 1st & then pick up with the novels. Kirkman collaborated with Jay Bonansinga & there is an untitled continuation slated to be released in October. Have no idea what that one’s gonna be about but it’s sure to be good, as Bonansinga writes well!
You are most welcome! This is my site, so I’ll be right here, ready to chat about my addiction!
Or that could be #3 and then they double whammy us with #1 and losing baby Judith! I do NOT want that to happen!
I do not want any of the bad things that happen to happen and yet I am continually surprised and saddened and amazed and addicted. Sunday cannot come soon enough.
I guess I’m kinda evil for hoping baby Judith’s time is up. I really didn’t like that a constant walker dinner bell made it this far.
It’s a different world. In the relative safety of the prison, a crying baby isn’t that important. But in the day-to-day search for a safe place, you’re right that she was a danger to everyone. Evil? No. A bit callous? Maybe 🙂
A baby represents hope and a future. Without that it’s kind of meaningless that man survives an apocalypse.
Right, I totally agree. My impression of TWD has always been that there is no hope. Everyone is doomed to die, which is why the living are the walking dead. It’s the end of the world and we are watching the last remnants of humans before extinction. That’s just my interpretation though.
Not having read the comics yet, I can only go by my impressions of the tv series. I believe the walkers will eventually decompose (how can a skeleton be any threat – except in Army of Darkness) thus leaving any surviving humans to deal only with current deaths and that could be manageable.
So, unless the threat of mutation is thrown into the mix spiraling all things out of control, I think eventually there is still hope for mankind. It may not be mankind as we know it or want it, but it will continue in some form. Even the tiniest grain of hope is hard to give up.
Now, if it were me trying to survive against these odds instead of me just watching others try it, I might have a completely different outlook! 😉
Yeah, I have friends who only watch the show and they share your sentiments. They always talk about characters representing hope. Having seen a lot of really great characters get murdered or eaten on page has dulled any sense of hope I once had. They way I see it is, unless newborns are not infected, the human race is about to come to an end. I don’t know, maybe that’s the angle they are going with on the show and why Judith is still alive. I can’t see all these pocket communities lasting forever since people are bound to die in sudden circumstances, such as heart attack or in their sleep, and just wipe out whole communities. As long as there are living people, there will always be fresh walkers.
Yes, but in all those pockets of people (and we have no idea how many pockets, they could be worldwide) someday, someone just might be smart enough to come up with a cure or a vaccination – something!
While, I, personally, think anyone going to Washington, D.C., would be a waste of time (hell, anyone of consequence in D.C. is either underground and safe for life or more lethal and threatening than your average walker – they are politicians and bureaucrats, after all, looking out only for themselves and not us!) there could be facilities still existing somewhere capable of finding a solution 🙂
That’s true; it could happen. I lean more to the side of reasoning that if the CDC, which is not in the comic, couldn’t do anything there is probably no hope of pocket communities solving anything. Maybe the CDC missed something obvious or maybe the survivors will stumble on to something by accident. I can’t really reply to the rest of your comment because I know some things from comics that haven’t been adapted to the show yet.
I got one… #1 Rick will lose his right hand in the last episode.
A good idea but i think i dont come so 🙁
Since Herschel’s not longer on the show, the digital effects team probably needs this to happen to keep them all employed.
I really really really really… REALLY wish this would happen. It sounds so morbid wishing someone to lose an appendage, but I do. I know Robert has mentioned in the past it doesn’t need to be done on the show and he sort of regrets doing it to Rick in the book, but I feel as if it informs who Rick is as a survivor! I mean the guys missing his right hand… been shot twice {3 times if you count the arrow 😉 } and as Jesus says, the guy looks like he could way a buck thirty soaking wet and is STILL respected as their leader. If this show was anything but a post apocalyptic survival show, I would understand not needing to take his hand… but c’mon! I really think Joe’s group OR the residents of Terminus (if they are infact, cannibals ) would be the perfect time to take it since the Gov never did.
Another one could be, #1 Carl almost is getting raped by one of the Joe’s group members. Like in issue 57
My guesses: #3) Rick vs. Joe #1) Beth was eaten Terminus residents.
These both seem likely, but I don’t think it will be as simple as Rick vs. Joe. I think there will be much more to it than a brawl.
I have a feeling the whole ‘hunters’ thing is gonna happen, because of the new Zealand trailer. That’s the brutality that Rick faces, and that’s why he has blood on his mouth in the promo. That’s why Carl and michonne are hugging in the trailer. And possibly a hunter will kill michonne. That’s just a guess cause someone is going to die in this episode, and it’s gonna be a shocker. Plus, michonne has been dubbed least likely to die. So she is pretty much most likely. Plus, that is why Carl has blood on his face in the stills.
I gotta go completely in denial on this one….Michonne cannot die. I know Daryl is The Immortal One, but so is Michonne. No….can’t do it… can’t have it….NO!
….Ain’t happening…..
Yeah, /i REALLY like michonne, but kirman does that to us. latches us on to a character, and then he kills them off. It is funny that you’d mention daryl. him and Michonne are the ones ive narrowed down for deaths in the finale!
But im alomst sure of the carl thing.
The Hunters are the cannibals, which I’ve got a feeling are the people Terminus. The Bandits are who you’re talking about with Rick, Carl, and Michonne (instead of Abraham in the comic). 😉
oh yeah. THANK YOU!!!
If there are not one but two top ten moments in the finale…I will be a very happy camper…they have done such a great job with the season…hoping there is not a let down in the finale
I have to say the author of this article has a fabulous name!!
Dear author, please tell me just this one thing–are we going to be subjected to any more ambiguous Daryl/Beth scenes (ambiguous as in, is it, or is it not, supposed to be romantic?). Because seriously, I can’t watch it if there is. I’m fine with them being friends or a brother/sister father/daughter uncle/niece relationship, but NOT as a romance.
Yeah I’m more for Daryl and Carol, if their HAS to be romance.
Who’s ready to eat some Bar-Beth-Que?!?!
I’d say if she was around Daryl a little bit longer, she’d be Tainted Meat!
Since Rick could die in the comics with it being a Carl story, Carl dies to make this a Rick and Judith story. Just a thought.
I already know what will happen in the season finale thx to the internet….but still it is the best finale ever in a tv show i tell you!
Everyone in Bob’s former groups ends up dead. Wonder if Terminus is Bob’s second home. Now I’m going back to look if Bob was the one who found the map for his group. Hmmmmmm….
I truly believe I’m going to cry a lotttttt this sunday.. Does any of you read the novels? I want to read them but here in Argentina it’s almost impossible to buy them, but if someone has a possitive comment I’ll make an effort..
I’ve owned & read them all. They’re the next best thing to the comics/GN (you read those, don’t you?)! How hard is it to buy there? Are they just hard to find?
If we want them, we need to use our international credit card and buy them through e-bay, but nowadays there’s a kind of 40 per cent of (interest? is that the word for the extra surcharge you need to pay if you buy sth abroad?) imposed by the government and also there’s a restriction in the custom house so they don’t allow you to receive what you have bought (they kept it “under custody”). I couldn’t start reading the comics because of that!, I’ve found some extracts on the internet but that’s not enough.. So that’s my reality here, pretty sad..
UGH! How horrible! There’s no special term for the extra cost for us to buy internationally. They just tack it on the shipping. What about Amazon? Digital downloading on a device?
I can’t because I’ve got a national credit card, and nowadays it’s quite difficult to get an international one, we’re going through a hard economic crisis so banks only give you one if you present a paycheck with more than 4 zeros (and our money “peso” is extremelly devalued..) so the majority of us can’t have access to an international credit card.. I’m a little bit up-to-date because of what I read here.. =(
I believe the term is “tariff” or “duty”… not sure of the difference.
They’re basically the same, but they’re scarcely used. Depends on where/what your buying.
You can find the comics on Youtube. As far as the novels… meh. They’re good, as in fun for a fan to read, in terms of a different perspective on the events depicted in the comics. But from the standpoint of someone who likes good writing…? No.
It’s not the best writing but certainly not on the bad end, if you ask me. It’s well worth the read.
well I adore reading.. but that’s better than nothing.. thanks!!
#3- Beth has been eaten. #1- The marauders attempt to rape Carl and Daryl, Michonne, and Rick brutally murder them for it.
I love how they have events from the comics, like Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. And the Lizzie and Mika thing representing Billy and Ben
I know the Hunter story line is really interesting and awesome, but barely anyone is talking about the Bandits, which happens before that in the comics. I really think that’s what all this “savage” “pushed to the limit” talk is about from Kirkman. Replace Abraham with Michonne in this scenario from the comics and we have some creepy sexual assault and deserved deaths on the way.
I think Daryls new group are the residents of Terminus.
We all know what’s coming. Look at Rick’s face in the trailer. The one where his beard and mouth are covered in blood. Rick takes a bite out of crime. Literally. Comic book style.
For me, after watching season finale, the Lizzie incident is still Number 1, even with subtitles (I´m often lost in translation) it was so emotionally powerfull , thanks to great actors and their body language
Same here!