**Official Title & Synopsis for Episode 509 Premiere!!!
**Watch TWD Season 1 Comic vs Show for an awesome and funny video that compares the two!
**We highlight what to watch during AMC’s Zombie Bowl Seasons 1 & 2 Marathon!
**We take a look at Norman Reedus Before He Was Famous
**Vote in our Poll: Who Do You Think Carl Will End Up With?
**All The Walking Dead Cast Portraits For Season 5B!
**Play with Rick & Michonne! #IDARB Hits XBox One with Team Skybound!
No one ever comments on this post any more since you stopped doing those challenges at the bottom of the round up, well am going to start a “No Prize” caption contest for the above image of Glen.
Remember “The Horde On:”, “Tatt Tues”, “T-Dog It’s Friday”, & DISQUS??????
Ah all quality threads that am sure had amazing comment sections 🙂 with and occasional wrecking ball ^_^
Meandering RULES!!!
Glenn: Damm, I think I left the iron on. . .
“Damn wrinkly underwear won’t stay out my crack!”
“Several years in to the apocalypse and Glenn still didn’t need to shave”
GLENN: “Everybody wants to joke about that… they should see my a…”
“Glenn had spent the last few hours contemplating the fact that one day there would be no toilet paper left in the world”
When it runs out, they’ll be raiding the shelves for Depends. “Just go, man, just go!”
“Glenn could help but fondly remember the days when he had a hat”
How rude of Maggie to barf in his hat… oh wait… that was Willie Scott barfing in Short Round’s hat in Temple of Doom. My bad!
“I sure miss that Challenger!”
Walt Jr nicked it . . .
Glenn stole it from the White’s after Walt didn’t give him a tip & then threw the pizza on the roof.
“Teach you not to eat Papa Mike’s!”
“Think I’ll put a baby in Maggie so she’ll forget about Beth again.”
oooo to soon lol
Probably too late, lol!
“Rogaine doesn’t work on your face?! Dammit, Rick!!”
hahahahahaha lol, love it
“I can’t believe that Walter dude threw my pizza on the roof!”
“I can’t live without my yo-yo! Give it back, Tara!”
“Hey… you got any biscuits for sale in there, mmm hmm?”
” I like ‘Menn’ better than ‘Glaggie.’ “
Ha i read that as I like “men” had to read twice 🙂
That was actually from a Conan video shareded in our OG+ this morning.
I didn’t mean “shareded” but it sure sounds funny as hell! We’ll keep it (not that we have any choice otherwise)!
“Abraham, I got your dolphin smooth!”
Glenn: “You know what my favourite sport is . . . baseball, if only we had a bat”?
“Hey, Maggie… wanna borrow Rick’s telephone?”
lol, funny on so many levels!
Hey, man, might be a way to Bring Beth Back!
“Yo, Noah, Kermit wants his legs back!”
“All this time I thought I would get Lucille but instead it was Daryl.”
“Rick always sends me out to get supplies. Why would he do that? I’m nothing without my hat!!!!”
RICK: “You know how to get stuff… and thangs.”
“Rick.. Your beard…. It’s.. It’s beautiful…”
RICK: “Hey, man, get your hands off me… grow your own damn beard… oh… sorry!
“Maggie! Why do you care about Beth all of a sudden? You wrote her off as dead and now that you know she is dead you cry?”
“There’s no crying in baseball!”
MAGGIE: “She’s not dead. The bullet just scraped by. It missed all the important parts of her brain. Father Gabriel can patch her right up! Besides, she wasn’t badass long enough to die! She’s gonna come back, I just know it!
“I never really liked Beth! There I said! What’cha gonna do about it?” *Glenn turns around and slowly walks away wearing his pimp coat and hat while the song “like a boss” plays in the background*
Maggie never really liked Beth either.
I know that bit of hair is nearly over my eye, bit it looks cool so back off!
“We once crossed over this huge hole in a roof… by using the hair from my back.”
Glenn: Hey Zoolander, check out my “blue steel”
“Psst… hey Eugene… I hear Abe’s got some Mac-n-Cheese tucked away in his pockets… think you could get me a pack?”
“….Nope he is just please to see us”
“Well, he certainly ain’t no limp noodle, that’s for sure!”
“I don’t need no stinking moustache… I called Rick Grimes a dumbass AND I’M STILL ALIVE!!”
but he better sleep with one eye open from now on right? 🙂
Glenn has claimed hatchet duty… just in case.
oh hang on sleeping with only one eye is carls job . . .
“Guts… I need GUTS!”
“Quick, Tara, do the jingle, DO THE JINGLE!!”
*Group discuss stuff and thangs while Glenn is left out* Glenn: “Uh, guys? I’m still here! Guys!” *Rick approaches Glenn* Rick: “Okay Glenn the only thing we need you to do is stand here while the next two or three episodes focus around everyone except you. Got it?”
RICK: “Know what? Just go watch Abraham boink Rosita, will ya?”