Ever since the new trailer dropped at SDCC, the Walking Dead cast and crew have been dropping hints about how intense the next season is going to be. With all this discussion of death and heartbreak, we couldn’t help but reminisce about some of our favorite (or is least favorite more appropriate?) deaths since the beginning.
Also: OBVIOUS SPOILER WARNING if you haven’t finished watching Season 4 of The Walking Dead!
Now vote below and let us know which was your favorite, and most heartbreaking, death!
[yop_poll id=”75″]Discuss freely below! Make sure you let us know if your favorite death wasn’t on our list!
Voted Merle. Didn’t think it would be second highest (at time of this comment)
why did you make me choose? they were all so heartbreaking…well, maybe not Shane & Lori…I was glad they were killed.
I liked what Shane brought to the show but I definitely didn’t like Lori .
10 ^ !!
Shane threatened Rick therefore I hated him. Nobody puts Ricky in a corner.
Back in the early days, Shane was a large part of what kept me tuning in. He was the heat, aside from the walkers…the drama…the element that showed walkers wouldn’t be the only threat.
Then there’s this:
Daryl who (Rick, too!)?
Shane was the greatest thing since sliced bread or goats milk .
Hot damn, I’d dip some sliced bread in goats milk for that!
You are too silly. I love randomness in the morning lol .
I woke up cranky…this is me, self medicating without meds, LMAO!
I only wake up in a anger zone if I have to work that day.
I’m fine, waking up when I know I must go out to make money. It’s when I’m not gonna make money but gotta put something on & go out that gets me cranky!
If you’d said goat cheese I may have agreed…
I was just kidding btw I understand why you didn’t like him .
Got real tired of Shane’s shit. It was like, ‘We get you’re a prick, Shane. Enough.’
His walk was hilarious though . He walked with a purpose lol ..
He had that Stone Cold stride.
Hell yeah lol .
Lol how many times did he say “lemme ask you somethin” lol
hahahaha that’s a hilarious observation .
Why isn’t the governor’s death up for vote?
Cuz he a bitch
Just look at the flowers.
Voted for Merle; very tough choice!
No love for Andrea? Lol its ok she was a twit anyway!
I didn’t care for the show character all that much but I did feel saddened that she didn’t see what she was trying to accomplish come to fruition.
I think the show damaged her character compared to the comics. She’s a badass! It was kinda sadto see her dumbed down. She just jumped on any bandwagon that was useful at the time!
Couldn’t agree more! She’s my absolute favorite character in the comic!!
True story!! 🙂
She was skillful but misused..
in one why she was guilty of not killing the governor that night so if she killed him will still have hershel on our side and she also have sex with shane (yeah i kinda hate that guy :/ )
I never liked her character. And she always walked with her arms and shoulders back as if she was trying to say “Indeed, I have blog a.” :/
Anyway, her character was too dramatic.
Lol I didn’t really dislike her until season 3, I enjoyed her speech to Lori in season 2 about having a son, husband, and boyfriend! I think when she met the Gov’, it had just been too long since she got laid and she developed a crush on him.
Had to choose Dale. He had my heart & his was the 1st death that really took me by surprise & drove home the message that “no one is safe!”
Dale is definitely my second on some days I would say he is my first .
And his death hit me hard I really liked his character he reminds me of my dad .
I chose Dale as well. I remember feeling pretty angry when he got killed. He was the voice of reason! I blame Shane mostly
I really hated seeing him go. I thought we had more time.
Dale >> Hershel
Yup. You can’t have moral compass #2 without an original!!
Hershel lost his direction for a moment…had to be brought back around. Dale never lost his.
I chose Dale too. Gave my fella a freight when Dale died – I literally screamed “No!” He was my favourite character. =(
I’d have chose the guy who gets his throat bit by Rick, that was the best death scene on anything I’ve ever seen
That was a really cool scene . I was surprised how brutal that was I was proud of AMC that day .
Screwing with the wrong people… you call that proud? :PP jk
Hahaha! You have a good point there lol .
Rick’s still a badass….he didn’t need to drop the bomb to be one. It’s all in the actions, as I believe we’ll soon see!
Do you think beeps would be better?
No beeps, no silly word substitutions…if they gotta put it in there, let them just take out the sound where all you hear is the Ffff.
I can completely understand why people would prefer that they let Lincoln say it the way it was in the comic, BUT I’m not disappointed & maybe it’s because, to me, show Rick is not quite as brutal as comic Rick (not yet anyway & excluding the nice work he did on Joe)….so “screwing” fits better with his TV personality. Also, for the same reason that we don’t want Daryl in the comics–the show has its standout points & the comic has its own. I’m cool with that.
I agree. I was just joking but you make a good point .
‘Tain’t nothin to F’n joke about!
JK, lol!
It seems like a very serious subject for some . I love cussing but shit =)
I’m trying to tone it back down so that Stu & Bigger will come back around.
I have been trying to tone it down a little myself .
I’m not so sure “screwing” works better on the show, or if it fits TV Rick better. Because if you buy the Blu-Ray, there is only one version of episode 416 “A” on the disc, and Lincoln most definitely says-“F*cking with the wrong people”. So that tells me, that they never wanted to do screwing to begin with, but AMC forced them.
Word is Breaking Bad, (don’t know what time it aired when it was on) was allowed the bomb but only a certain amount. I thought I read or heard that it was Gimple’s decision to substitute.
That’s because, if you remember correctly, Breaking Bad aired at 10:00pm, which grants you use of the F bomb twice per episode. Like I said, the FCC is strange.
I didn’t catch in when it was being aired but I’m actually in the middle of bingeing the series on DVD. I KNOW it had to be chopped somehow!!
You get what I’m saying about show Rick vs. comic Rick, tho, right? That one in the comic is more raw.
Oh yeah, I totally understand what you mean. And I agree; Rick comic counterpart is a slightly grittier version of the character. I feel like the reason for this is Andrew Lincoln; don’t get me wrong, he’s amazing and I love his portrayal of Rick, but I feel his look, his delivery, his voice, he’s just more of a refined person than the Rick in the comic. Bascially, comic Rick would rather go hunting, riding or shooting for leisure, while Lincoln’s Rick would rather go play a round of golf. LOL
Yep…get the sense that Andrew Lincoln is a good guy….probably any cussing on TV makes him feel a little uncomfy.
Also, you know if they moved the show to 11:00pm they could say whatever the hell they wanted?
If they moved it to 10:00pm they could drop the F bomb twice each episode.
Interesting! This would be a perfect way to handle Negan… Is that in the FCC rules?
The FCC is going to have to draft an entire new section in the rules and guidelines for the use of the Negan character on any communication mediums, be it television, radio, etc. LOL
Seriously though, I know they’re worried about ratings, and losing that prime-time slot, but moving the show to 10pm or 11pm may not be such a bad idea in the interest of keeping the show true to it’s own authenticity, once it comes times for Negan and AOW.
Lol! I’d be on board with a time change, especially if it weighed in favor of showing Negan in all his glory… &, as hard as it would be, I’d have to stay up to watch it!
You know, if you buy the Season 4 Blu-Ray, there’s is no screwing in episode 416. They made sure they did it the right way for the box set.
I had to go with T-Dog ..
A hero’s death….him & the ol’ pal Merle.
Yes that is the best way to go in my opinion.
Hated Merle with almost ever inch of my body but thought he was a legend when he put up thatlast fight. MERLE!!!
I completely agree with you..
Sophia, the one death on the list that I didn’t see coming, right up till she walked out of the barn I though they would find her,
No doubt that was messed up… I had such high hopes of them finding her .
T-Dog wasn’t given nearly enough screen time for his death as he deserved, in my opinion.
Hershel was definitely the saddest, dale a close 2nd!
Same for me
Who’s your favorite character that’s living on the show ?
I won’t be bland and say Rick just because he’s the main protagonist, so other than him probably Glenn. How about you?
Glenn is my favorite on the show by far . He just seems to handle himself the way I think I would.
Probably me too, with that slight hint of a short temper. Somebody mess with my lady and I’d be yellin’ too! lol
T-Dog. That is all. Sacrifice. Bravery. T-dog, though and undeveloped character had the best death. That is all.
Least Favorite, Abraham. Not the fact that he died, just the way it happened. Such a weak ending for such an epic character.
This isn’t about the comic, dude lol
Whoa, whoa, whoa….There is a Walking Dead Comic? When did that happen?
Couple weeks back. It’s worth a look. lol
I think I will. Anything to get more Daryl action! 😉
Seeking a refund. :/
I cry the hardest at Lori’s death and I have watched “Killer Within” and the pilot episode more times than all the others.
Lori was not a favorite character for me, not even a top ten, but her death hurt me so deeply. I think part of it was the fact that, like Sarah Wayne Callies had said in interviews, Lori knew that her pregnancy was a death sentance since day one. The heart break of knowing she was leaving her son and this new child to try to survive in this apocalyptic world was so well acted. Seeing the pain and anguish of trying to bring her child into the world and then when she realizes it isn’t going to work… Ughhhh! I cry the whole time!
Lori herself, the sadness, her speech to Carl about not letting the world ruin him. Maggie’s heartbreak at having to be the one to basically kill Lori by delivering the baby. Carl, poor Carl! Having to be so brave and his regret at not having had time to make up with his mother. And then poor Rick’s reaction when he see them with the baby and no Lori. Ughhhhh!!!!
You would have been straight up pissed at me if you were sitting on the couch beside me! I was doing the Cupid Shuffle until Maggie walked out with Judith & Rick approached her. Rick brought me right back down to crush mode!
Oh yes! I would have fed you to a walker!
I got katanas, guns, an archer set, ninja stars, & a pantera in my house….it wouldn’t have been pretty, lol!
For a walker, that is! 😉
hahaha! just evil! I didn’t like Lori either but her death has devastating for Rick and completely changed Carl so yeah, crushed me.
Rick was the only one who brought a tear there. I hurt for Carl, too, but Carl “did what he had to do” & so that’s how I connected with him.
Same here. I was watching that episode with my family and when she died we all went silent. The silence was broken with my father saying “Finally! She’s dead!”
I like your father!
When Rick started hallucinating, I was thinking, “Oh lawd, somebody please call an exorcist!” [For my fellow Wikipedians, you don’t need to tell me you can’t exorcise a hallucination; I already know.]
When Rick started to hallucinate I was thinking “Oh God! Even when she’s dead we can’t get rid of her!”
Lol! I am so glad I’m not alone on this one! I was starting to feel I had an unnatural dislike for a TV character! ;-P
A lot of people hated her it’s just that we are considered heartless because we cheered when she died.
My heart went out to Rick & Carl. None was left for Lori. She killed that loooong time ago!
i was holding back through the entire scene, but just lost it on Rick’s reaction when he saw Maggie with the baby and Carl with the gun.!!
I was tearing up at the scene, but Rick’s reaction really brought on sob-mode.
My second biggest sobbing fit is for Hershel. Then Dale.
I saw Hershel’s coming. The “you risk your life” speech put it on the table & being kidnapped by The Gov sealed the deal.
As soon as Michonne asked him if he wanted to go out with her I was like “Noooo!!! No, Hershel! You don’t!!”
I absolutely hated losing Hershel but I kinda knew it was coming, and they didn’t really give you time to grieve. Show’s so realistic, instead of stopping to dwell on it and let it sink in, that’s when the shit hit the fan and the rest of the ep was nuts!
the best kill was when rick bit that dude throat out end of story
oh hell yeah, that was THE BEST!!!! FOSHO!!!!
For me it was Merle. It was all about redemption for him. He realized what he had done and valiantly tried to take out the Governor to save his brother and the rest of the prison gang. That horrible moment when Daryl sees a walker feasting, and the walker slowly looks up and we see it’s Merle…just thinking about it gives me a chill. Truly a sad moment for me.
Thought Axel ought to have been on this list. That was a gut-punch.
this poll was only for the tv show, and cheers on your name, that was my absolute favorite line from the comix, “You don’t have any guts, oh wait, there they are right there, I thought you didn’t have any” – Neegan
Oh my!
One time that son of a— diaper changing time!!!
I go with Merle.
How is T-Dog’s vote so low? He went out a hero. Lizzie’s death is higher than his, and yes, that is definitely in my top 5 favorite scenes, but it is in no way my favorite death.
Preach! Up vote ! #TdogSavesPeopleFromRandomActsOfViolence
No amy?
Nothing poetic about dying for toilet paper, man.
Lmao! In the comic and the show!
amy was an ancillary character, one that we the fans wouldn’t miss, so she wouldn’t even make the top 20 list of best deaths
“Best death” can mean so many things to so many different people! Lizzie’s was most shocking and unforgettable to me. Just the way it all went down. Hershel was in a very close second. T-Dog and Merle definitely had the hero’s deaths of the group. I just can’t wait to see how they top what they’ve done! T-minus 6 weeks baby!
For me, I chose the one that affected me most, the one I did not see coming, & the one that didn’t rely on any other circumstances or people to hit hard.
Also I love polls! Please keep giving us these!
I love voting on these things too .
Remember when Brian promised us a world cup knock out poll on the TV characters . . . .
Oh yeah I talked to him about it the other day he pretty much said it is on like donkey kong .. In other words he said he was still going to do it …
I vote yes for being polled!
I just wish that they would’ve done a similar poll for the comix too.
(he killed hershel thats why)
🙁 no love for mika (F@#$ U lizzie) she didint deserve that just becuse her sister is a crazy bastard
Such a hard decision… Dale was probably the one that hit the hardest, and Hershel of course. Also, TIL about vivisection.
What about Otis death?
That was a good one ! That’s when I realized Shane would do absolutely anything to survive.
“I will Survive! I will surviiiiiiiiive! Hey! Hey!”
Do you remember when Frank the Pug was singing that in Men In Black 2 ? Probably my favorite part of that movie lol .
Yeah. Watched that series for Tommy Lee Jones. Stayed for the pug!
Had to go with Merle. He was an absolute loser until that last fight. It was even sadder because he knew it was a suicide fight.
Hard to pick between Hershel and Lori, but decided to go with Hershel. He’s just such a kind character by Season 4 after learning from Rick and Maggie in Season 2, and he died trying to bring the two groups together.
Plus the way he crawled away and then The Governor just came after him and finished the job… utterly brutal. Then we see his reanimated head! It’ll be hard for the show to top this one, but I have no doubt it’ll happen at some point.
I voted for Merle…but there are a few others I would like to vote for. And Yes..why wasn’t The Gov’s on the list?
yeah, I voted for merle, because of when daryl had to put him down, I actually felt his sadness and pain at what he had to do. er uh, I meant I got something in my eye that time.
Either Jaqui & Jenners death from TS-19 (a scene I like to call “on my terms”), or Dale raising his head slightly to a sorrowful Daryl’s gun in Judge, Jury, Executioner.
That hopelessness was awful!
out of the ashes rises the phoenix, when life gives you lemons, then make lemonade, when life serves you chickenshit, turn it into chicken salad. Hopelessness is all in the eye of the beholder
Agree…. I was saddened that they felt like that was their only option. It shone the light on Dale for me, which is why I loved him.
that “on my terms” is just code for suicide, I.e. giving up, quiting just like a loser would, so no, jenners death was not on there cuz he quit, he stopped playing so his death isn’t even a footnote. suicide is for quitters.
I agree, wipe your tears off and enjoy better times ahead, the first sign of controversy and they were ready to check out. F that, life is too full of surprises to do that, even in a ZA!!
Martinez had a pretty good death scene also .
I almost voted Sophia until it hit me that technically, we never saw her death. We only got confirmation that it had already happened. Then I considered Lizzie, who everyone hated for her part in the Prison’s fall and her sister’s death. It was more Carol’s moment, anyway. That left Herschel, because of what that death represented. It was pretty clear after the pandemic at the Prison he wasn’t going to be able to handle much more. But much of his role was redeeming and building up Rick’s role as leader and trying to help him become who he needed to be… First fighting the impulse to become the new Shane, then trying to bring him back when Lori’s death broke him. Then trying to help him become the father Carl needed him to be. When Rick started arguing that they could all live together, Herschel is smiling because his journey is over and he’s actually succeeded in his task; he gets a brief glimpse of the Rick we see in All-Out-War, the Rick who fights for everyone’s survival. He knows his girls will be safe with him, and that no matter how much worse things in the world get, Rick is the man to bring things back. Herschel’s death, while tragic, was also full of hope, not just for him and his family, but for all humanity. (Plus it was very Ben Kenobi)
I think the Governor’s not on there for two reasons: One, everyone would vote it #1 cuz we loved seeing that asshole bite it after what he had just done to Hershel, and #2 the whole list is people who always were or at one time were protagonists, so they wanted us to vote on the best even though we hated seeing (mostly) them all go.
yeah really!! I had forgotten about the guv, but now that I think about it, he was the best death!! Governor for Prez!! Down with lilly, up with phillip blake, a.k.a. brian blake
When Michonne’s sword came out of his chest, my wife and I both screamed “Yeeaaaahhh!!!!” We were so glad he got what he had coming!
I am disappointed, I thought Dales death was more popular
@Scotty…I’m hoping you’re asking that so if we voted for it, it would be because we loved the idea he was taken out of other misery! 🙂
The saddest death for me was, Hershel. 🙁
Wow, how can Hershel possibly be winning over Merle? I though this poll was for “Best Death”.
That’s Merle without a doubt, he had a good death. Easily the best, and most honorable of all of them. Not only did he put a dent in the Governor’s militia, he completely redeemed himself, and saved his soul, and set his brother free. That was a great death.
Hershel? But you knew it was coming. I voted for Sophia because NO ONE saw that coming.
Funny you would say lol (not trying to toot my own horn I swear) earlier in the day of that episode I said to my friend “Watch Sophia have been a walker in the barn the whole time” I was still pretty surprised it was true when I saw it that night though!
Where is Andrea, she is the saddest death
Although I didn’t care for for Andrea, I feel she deserves to be on this pole… She really went out with a bang! 😉