Happy weekend everybody! Here’s the latest and greatest from our site last week:
**Episode 505: Self-Help – Recap and Discussion
**Discussions for both Volume 22 and The Walking Dead 134
**Our list of the 10 Best Walking Dead Comic Couples
**Episode 505: Panel to Screen Comparison
**New Covers! The Walking Dead #137 & HC Book 11
**If you haven’t voted yet, make sure you cast your vote in our TWD #134 poll: What Will Happen to Carl?
**Walker Stalker goodness! 505 Instant Reaction Podcast and Episode 111 with Cudlitz!
**Need more hilarious videos in your life? Watch This Walking Dead Ad Scare the Crap Out of Commuters
**Episode 506 reveals included a Sneak Peek video and New Stills!
**Inside Episode 505: Self Help
**Watch this Amazing Musical TWD Parody and appreciate the great dance moves and amazing slow-motion
And for the secret discussion question at the end of this post… do you have any funny ideas for a Walking Dead-themed Thanksgiving? As out there as it sounds, I think it could make a fun article next week…
Squirrel pie? As a vegetarian, I just slapped my hand for even suggesting it. It’s the first thing that popped in my head!
You could make a festive holiday beverage out of smashed berries and boiled toilet water as well.
Invite everybody to The Hilltop picnic. Main dish is Tainted Turkey on a rotisserie, Flamin’ Carol style. If that’s not the meat of choice, one can always claim the back half of Daryl’s hare, which may taste OK with crackers & Michonne’s Crazy Cheese. Make sure to spike Hershel’s elderberry punch. There’s plenty of Carl’s pudding for dessert. Entertain the girls with a game of Lizzie’s Walker Tag, the boys with Prison Rat Dissection, & both with Pin the Mullet on Shiva. Reward the kids with green lollipops. Adults can play a game of The Governor’s Chess and/or Martinez’s Golf Swing. Send the walker herd home with the leftovers in Terminus To-Go bags.
Can I get a Black Friday sale? I see some new loot in The Shop & you guys haven’t said a peep about it!