Summer lovin’ had me a blast. Summer lovin’ happened so fast. You know what else happened so fast? This WEEK. Here’s everything Walking Dead-related that you missed.
Let’s start strong. THREE new characters have been revealed for Season 6. Comic book lovers will recognize Denise and Heath, but this Carter guy is an accumulation of MULTIPLE characters from the comic. My psychologist says I suffer from the same thing, but I think it’s just mild Schizophrenia.
Fear the Walking Dead Character Portraits are HERE. Apparently zombie apocalypses make people take their best photos. Next time you have to take a professional picture just imagine your face is about to be eaten by a walker. You’ll look stunning.
We know, character portraits aren’t enough. That’s why we ALSO have an exclusive look into the very first episode of the series! Based on the pictures it seems like a lot of characters are excited to be in a classroom…meaning you KNOW something horrific is about to happen.
Seasn 5’s Noah is BACK. Well, at least he is in this extra. WATCH this new Blu-Ray/DVD extra about Noah’s journey and how he impacted the show for the other cast members.
Want to get lunch with Michonne in Atlanta? Or see the Season 6 premiere at Madison Square Garden?? (We’d stop talking to you if you said no to any of those questions). Danai Gurira (Michonne) is offering AMAZING prizes like those for her charity. What’s her charity? Ch-ch-ch-check the link to find out and see how YOU can contribute.
Dale’s RV Construction Set from McFarlane toys is finally here! Who doesn’t love an RV?? You can snipe walkers AND they have built in bathrooms!
Ever wonder how your favorite actors from The Walking Dead would fare during an actual zombie apocalypse? Well Entertainment Weekly sat down with them and found out who THEY thought wouldn’t make it a DAY.
Where are your favorite ex-cast members now? Fantastic question! The Hollywood Reporter catches up with all of your faves and discovers how they’re doing now that they’re not impaling walkers through a fence. Obvious spoilers ahead, proceed with caution.
And FINALLY, is NEGAN coming to Season 6 of The Walking Dead?!?! We have no idea, but check out what Show-runner Scott Gimple had to say about the matter.
Aaaand THAT is your wrap up. Enjoy your week and let us know what YOUR favorite story was from this week in the comments.
My favorites were Dale RV from McFarlane Toys and the 3 New Characters from S6! WIN! #WIN!
Oh, yeah, I also found out in this week that I won the CineFix-Skybound Giveaway! WOO HOO! #WIN #again
From 1 Fan’s Perspective:
Fear is this month! The portraits… well, that was a little awkward… bring on the show! My thoughts have done a 180… oh, I hope I’m not gonna be disappointed!
Those actors/actresses that have moved on from The Walking Dead… they will always be The Walking Dead to me. If I see them in something else, it’s, “Oh look! There’s Beth!” “Hey, there’s Hershel!” “The Governor is a damn hero out there… look at ’em!” I simply cannot WAIT to see Shane in Daredevil! Will he continue to be Shane or will he be Frank? I have my suspicions, but we’ll have to see!
I gotta be honest & say that I am disappointed in this casting for Denise Cloyd. Merritt Wever, whom I know nothing about, simply does not look anything like I think Denise should look. I’m interested to know about Carter, but I’m disregarding the thing about a character “combo”. The last time I read that, it was in relation to Gareth, and I still don’t know what combo he was. Either way, the idea of unknown Alexandrians making an appearance is exciting!
With AMC running a TWD marathon & now Dale’s RV by McFarlane dropping, I am a mix of emotions! I can’t WAIT to get that builder’s set! I CAN wait to see Dale… eviscerated! Oh Dale! I miss your voice of reason & your fatherly ways! But not for long, buddy… not for long!!
Lots of people out there sound like they wanna rush Negan right on in. Why, WHY?! Savor the build up to, “Which one of you pricks is the leader?” I don’t want to see him in Season 6. Let him seize us with that line for the mid season finale of 7. And I would be in complete ecstasy if whoever is cast in that role would be kept secret until revealed on the show!! That would just blow my fucking mind to BITS, no matter WHO it turns out to be!!
For your “character combo” part, Gareth is a combo of Chris from The Hunters, if that’s what you were wondering.
I got the Chris part… who else?
That was basically it. No one else. Just Chris. And heck, everyone hated him. Heh. No? Yes? I’ll let myself out. *walks out*
Chris & Hannibal Lecter?