I think we can all agree that Pete is going down one way or another, because there ain’t no way that Rick and Carol are standing for that domestic abuse. But which one of them is going to deal the blow? And will they actually kill him, or will Deanna step in?
Vote below and let us know what you predict will happen with Pete!
[yop_poll id=”109″]Speaking of polls, have you voted yet about if Father Gabriel did the right thing?
Whoever made this poll and didnt include death by zombies should be fired.
Being that he’s an Alexandrian, that would fall under “Deanna will exile Pete”, don’tcha think?
You haven’t read the books I take it.
I sure have!
I’m referring to the No Way Out story-arch.
I think by including that option it may hint at something found in the books too much.
Because there are no zombies around anywhere right?
Don’t know about you, Gov, but this conversation has me confused.
This is the show. They toss it up here & there.
My prediction is that Rick will confront Pete and then Pete will throw the first punch. Rick will then savagely beat Pete until someone is able to pull them apart.
Carol’s gotta take a break.
Deanna doesn’t have a jail (she’s exiling).
Jailbirds are coming later.
Somebody’s gonna do something, otherwise, it wouldn’t be The Walking Dead!
Maybe Pete will end up killing Carol, pushing Rick over the edge to kill him.
I think the kid will off him. Its so out of the norm it will happen. I think pete will hurt mom, and now that his darkness has awoken it will grow quickly and he will shoot the dad
Damn. The more I look at the picture of him, the more I want to beat him up myself!
Other: Sam is going to take a lesson from Carol and will steal a gun, sneak up on dad, and shoot and kill him himself. Just remember, I called it first.
Looks like Rick James called it prior to you. Sorry.
I know in the Comic Rick Kills Pete…but the show could always have Deanna Exile him…or put him in a Makeshift Jail and hold a trial….but my gut is saying Rick is gonna put a bullet in him…..#forpetessake
I wonder if Michonne will knock out Rick like in the Comic…who knows…
I want Carol to do it because she didn’t get the chance with her husband and i think it would be pretty cool to see that come full circle. It would also show how far gone she is from her pre-apocalypse self (I know she did a bunch of things to show that already but this would be the icing on the cake).
Carol actually put the final blow into Ed’s head so he wouldn’t reanimate… so she did get her 2 cents into his demise.
I think his son will shoot him.
I think Morgan will kill him. That’s how he will be re-introduced. Pete and Rick will tussle, then out of nowhere, Morgan shoots him and is all like “What’d I miss?”.
I’d like to see everyone’s face if it is Carol – homebody Carol – who kills him, it will really shock most of the Alexandrians after the show she’s been putting on for them.
I think jesse will kill Pete
I think pete is going to kill Carol ..