Vincent Martella, the voice of Phineas in the beloved show Phineas and Ferb, will be joining the cast for Season 4 of The Walking Dead. A member of the new group of survivors that has been assimilated into the prison camp community, Martella had this to say about his new character:
“He’s right around Carl’s age,” said Martella. “He’s a little bit older. He’s one of the new people who Carl gets a little closer with. Carl hasn’t really had anybody his age, so now you kind of get to see Carl’s relationship with people his own age and that’s one of the things that Patrick is bringing to the show.”
I know what we’re gonna do today Ferb. We’re gonna kill some walkers…
I just think that’s a little strange… I also don’t believe he will be taken in very well at first like always with Rick.