The third and final The Walking Dead Solve to Survive puzzle is LIVE!

Don’t Make Me Turn this Car Around

Comments 56

  1. Michael Thelen says:

    LOL, I really like this game. With some voice acting and animations for kids moods… this game has a lot of promise. Great job on the concept! (Game is well done too, the concept just stood out to me.)

    • Chuck says:

      There is no animations OR voice acting…

      • Michael Thelen says:

        Sorry I just meant those were the two things that sorta felt missing. However I know voice acting is a bit out of scope for a gamejam 😀 I can just feel the extra tension of hearing “moooommmm timmy hit me!” Like I said great game, I hope you continue development on it!

    • Simon P says:

      Thanks for the kind words! I will try and do some updates when I have the time, or maybe a full version next year.

  2. Tristan says:

    It wont let me play because of a unity update and I tried to newer version but still says I need a unity update someone help

  3. Xavier says:

    floaty ass controls

  4. Justin says:

    can this be on ios please!

  5. lolo says:

    merci squeezi =)

  6. trotiryderdu93 says:

    je narive pa a jouer!!!!!! ;(

  7. Neah says:

    This game is so fun but hard

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  10. trooloololololololloloo says:

    merci lucas (squeezie)

  11. asdasdsdasdasdasdasdasd says:

    fuck dhis shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. asdasdsdasdasdasdasdasd says:


  13. josh says:


  14. Gavin Banes says:

    um y are the kids boxes?

  15. Ollamh Productions says:

    I really like this game, would it be alright to make a Let’s Play video of the game?

  16. crazyboy says:

    so cool

  17. crazyboy says:


  18. crazyboy says:


  19. nolhan says:

    c’est quelle touche pour avancer

  20. lollipop says:

    merci beaucoup Squeezie…MATHIEU PINCE PAS…LOL

  21. lollipop says:

    il faudrait que les enfants sachent se tenirent

  22. Simon P says:

    Hey everone! Thanks for playing, it blows my mind to see all the Let’s Plays and feedback from the game.

    I’m now working on something else, if you want to lend a hand then take a look:

  23. henki says:

    his not let me play XC

  24. henki says:

    now im play

  25. ender and tails says:

    it does not work for us

  26. ender and tails says:

    hi guys was up

  27. ender and tails says:


  28. Wesley Warren says:

    Could you please make this game so it doesn’t use Unity Player?

  29. Catchy tune says:

    Wont let me play. When I click it doesn’t do anything :C
    plz help

  30. Thurston Schramm says:

    Hey Yo! Its Your Favorite Youtuber! TALKING KITTY CAT!

  31. Thurston Schramm says:

    I Use To Be Thurston Schramm But Now I Am Talking Kitty Cat! On Here And Facebook I Have Thurston Schramm As A Name!

  32. ender and tails says:

    its realy hard for ender but i won for him

  33. davidcasper says:


  34. Zoe Oneal says:

    This game hates me

  35. nick says:

    lol this is everyday work for me, im a bus driver and ive got 8 kids – all with their own mental illnesses – and a way bigger car.. still good game though, really like it!

  36. virtual DJ says:


  37. evan says:

    ugh I hate the kids

  38. poop says:

    how do you play the game

  39. Ernest Armstrong says:


  40. Sunday says:


  41. Joe says:

    I like simon AND THIS IS HARD

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