The most notorious Walking Dead comic storyline has finally reached the show. All Out War, which in the comics featured Negan and Rick’s communities at battle, resulted in massive destruction and death throughout the 12-issue arc. We got to witness some of the chaos play out in the Season 8 trailer, and now we can confirm there is an end in sight for the conflict.
Entertainment Weekly recently questioned Walking Dead showrunner Scott M. Gimple if fans can expect to see the war extend past Season 8. “The war will absolutely be resolved by the end of season 8,” Gimple states defiantly. “Absolutely.”
As monumental as All Out War is to the season, this Gimple quote doesn’t come as a huge surprise. Most Walking Dead seasons cover 20+ issues of the comics, save for Seasons 1 and 2, which both covered around six issues. If Season 8 follows the same formula, what comes after All Out War? A time jump. The comics famously fast-forwarded a few years to a re-built Alexandria and an older, much more feeble-looking Rick. Could this be what was teased at the end of the Season 8 trailer?
Robert Kirkman shed some light on the matter earlier this summer, “Comic book fans know where a scene that kind of looked like that would fall, but it also doesn’t seem like we would be getting to that just yet if you were a comic book fan, so there’s a mystery to that.”
If that WAS the time jump, then that could open the flood gates to several post-All Out War storylines, including the zombie skin-wearing villains The Whisperers (pictured below) and their leader Alpha. So, can we expect to see them make a cameo in the season?? “I’m going to give you a full no-comment on that,” Gimple told Entertainment Weekly. However the season plays out, fans will not be disappointed.
Actually kind of dissapointed….was hoping that they wouldnt burn through all out war in one season and milk it for a season and a half but who knows? Have to wait and see if they do it justice..