Oh man, that finale! A lot fans were not happy! There’s currently a petition going around to have Beth written BACK into the show. Not sure how that would work, they’ve already filmed the last 8 episodes of Season 5, but hey, if George Lucas can do it, so can we! It’s good that people are upset that Beth is gone. I think it means that you’ve invested in these characters as real people and care about them, to some extent. But a show unwilling to change status quo quickly becomes stale, so the pieces on the board have to be shuffled from time to time. And yes, some times you will lose a Beth, and some times you will lose an Axel. It’s the way the cookie crumbles. You guys are going to FLIP when Daryl dies in the mid-season premiere. KIDDING! Kidding. … OR AM I? Onto the wrap up!
We have BIG CASTING NEWS for the companion series! The lead has been announced, and as well as two other recurring roles. This should start filming next month! I can’t wait to see what this series can do. I’ve only heard bits and pieces but it’s pretty awesome so far!
Always interesting to hear what you guys think of the episode in the 508 RECAP AND DISCUSSION. The embedded poll says most of you really liked it, so that’s cool. Comments are interesting. The first comment is some shade throwing at Scott Gimple, which I do not get at all. I think the guy is doing a really great job and was contributing a ton before he even officially took over, so BACK OFF MY MAN!
We posted YOUTUBE REACTIONS to 508, which I love. The fans of this property (comic, game, show, whatever) are awesome. Always so nice and cool at cons, I feel like reaction videos are just another way to interact. I would hug all of you if I could.
NORMAN REEDUS talks about the devastating mid-season finale, and SCOTT GIMPLE gives even more info from the other side of the camera.
THE 135 PREVIEW is live! Check out three panels FRESH off the press for next week’s release of The Walking Dead. There’s a Carl moment in this issue that I was like, “OH DAMN!” Verrrrry interesting.
Did you catch the PREVIEW OF THE NEXT HALF OF SEASON 5?! What about the END-CREDITS SCENE of the mid-season finale?! Did your DVR cut it off, like mine did? We have you covered!
And last but not least, CHECK OUT THE BOSS—ROBERT KIRKMAN—AS HE TAKES ON SUPERFIGHT! See if he can somehow argue why Bill Clinton made of Peanut Butter would beat ANYONE in a fight.
That petition is the dumbest thing I hear in all of the fandom! So I man a video about it lol!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3VbDfgc8ac
I don’t normally seek out people’s videos… you just won me over with this one & the one Brian posted earlier … MAPP, here I come!
Let’s have Gimple giving us a Beth hallucination, telling Maggie (& those weird petition signers) why it’s OK to let her go, the she did her job, & they need to let her go.
Ya stupid…there was no petition for Hershel, or Lori, or T-Dogg, or Shane, or Any of those characters who in my mind brought a hell of a lot more to The Walking Dead than friggen Beth..Beth started off as a mediocre character with a mediocre storyline and slowly progesses to a decent Character with a decent storyline and thats about as far as she went, In my personal opinion her dying was the best thing her character could have done, not that i disliked her in any way i just think her character was sort of one of the more boring and stale ones of the show, where you have Bad ASS MF’ers like Rick Grimes, Morgan Jones, and Carol Peletier. Beth just never even compared to those characters to me. She was fun to watch while her story lasted but too try and unmine all of TWD by “bringing her back” is just plain stupid. I hope no matter how many people sign that dummy petition that TWD does not compromise there whole philosophy about killing characters. I think its pretty funny actually, that the thing that actually got people to REALLY care about her, was her death. Bc face it before her death if someone asked you whos your fav. Daryl or Beth almost everyone would say Daryl. Or any other character that actually contributed to the story in the last idk 10-12 episodes, because besides Slabtown and the last 2 episodes of this past half season, Beth has been absent from the story and half the time i couldn’t really have cared less. Oh btw again in my opinion All the actors of the characters i named above did a better job with there character than the actress who played Beth, yes she was good but was she Hershel good? no, was she hmm lets see Andrea good? probabley hahaha i hated Andrea so fuck it.
A petition? Seriously? I take a little break from the internet and miss all manner of ridiculous fucking garbage.
I feel like these people are maybe watching the wrong show for them. Might I suggest some Modern Family or Big Bang Theory–something where everyone is safe and its all shits and giggles–I don’t watch either of those shows myself, by they seem like nice safe entertainment options for sensitive fans.
Yea dude, i hear family guy’s down to bring back dead characters if you bitch enough, no other show on tv has the balls to just fucking end a popular person and any other show that tried would instantly tank and that’s why its the best (crushes cigarette) Period.
What about BOB? BRING BOB BACK!!!
Yea while we’re resurrecting im gonna toss out merle, that bitch made a HUGE turnaround before his death and would be a super sick asset on the crew, i could only imagine how little those termites/hunters would have accomplished with him around, ” Meee shown” fuckin loved that guy
Bring back Lori!!